My Profile_

MCP Purchase

NEW!   We now have our Interactive tool for this section.

Verifies funds on the customer’s card, removes the funds and prepares them for deposit into the merchant’s account.

This transaction request is the multi-currency pricing (MCP) enabled version of the equivalent financial transaction.

MCP Purchase transaction object definition

MCPPurchase mcpPurchase = new MCPPurchase();

HttpsPostRequest object for MCP Purchase transaction

HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();


Canada Code Sample

package Canada;
import JavaAPI.*;

public class TestCanadaMCPPurchase
	public static void main(String[] args)
		java.util.Date createDate = new java.util.Date(); 
		String order_id = "Test"+createDate.getTime();
		String store_id = "store5";
		String api_token = "yesguy";            
		String amount = "5.00";
		String pan = "4242424242424242";
		String expdate = "1901"; //YYMM format
		String crypt = "7";
		String processing_country_code = "CA";
		boolean status_check = false;

		MCPPurchase mcpPurchase = new MCPPurchase();
		//mcpPurchase.setWalletIndicator(""); //Refer documentation for possible values

		//optional - Credential on File details
		CofInfo cof = new CofInfo();
		//MCP Fields
		HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();
		mpgReq.setTestMode(true); //false or comment out this line for production transactions
		//Optional - Proxy
		mpgReq.setProxy(false); //true to use proxy
		mpgReq.setProxyUser("proxyUser"); //optional - domainName\User
		mpgReq.setProxyPassword("proxyPassword"); //optional

			Receipt receipt = mpgReq.getReceipt();

			System.out.println("CardType = " + receipt.getCardType());
			System.out.println("TransAmount = " + receipt.getTransAmount());
			System.out.println("TxnNumber = " + receipt.getTxnNumber());
			System.out.println("ReceiptId = " + receipt.getReceiptId());
			System.out.println("TransType = " + receipt.getTransType());
			System.out.println("ReferenceNum = " + receipt.getReferenceNum());
			System.out.println("ResponseCode = " + receipt.getResponseCode());
			System.out.println("ISO = " + receipt.getISO());
			System.out.println("BankTotals = " + receipt.getBankTotals());
			System.out.println("Message = " + receipt.getMessage());
			System.out.println("AuthCode = " + receipt.getAuthCode());
			System.out.println("Complete = " + receipt.getComplete());
			System.out.println("TransDate = " + receipt.getTransDate());
			System.out.println("TransTime = " + receipt.getTransTime());
			System.out.println("Ticket = " + receipt.getTicket());
			System.out.println("TimedOut = " + receipt.getTimedOut());
			System.out.println("IsVisaDebit = " + receipt.getIsVisaDebit());
			System.out.println("HostId = " + receipt.getHostId());
			System.out.println("IssuerId = " + receipt.getIssuerId());		
			System.out.println("MerchantSettlementAmount = " + receipt.getMerchantSettlementAmount());
			System.out.println("CardholderAmount = " + receipt.getCardholderAmount());
			System.out.println("CardholderCurrencyCode = " + receipt.getCardholderCurrencyCode());
			System.out.println("MCPRate = " + receipt.getMCPRate());
			System.out.println("MCPErrorStatusCode = " + receipt.getMCPErrorStatusCode());
			System.out.println("MCPErrorMessage = " + receipt.getMCPErrorMessage());
			System.out.println("HostId = " + receipt.getHostId());	
		catch (Exception e)

Core connection object fields (all API transactions)

Variable Name Type and Limits Set Method Description
store ID



mpgReq.setStoreId(store_id); Unique identifier provided by Moneris upon merchant account set up.
API token




Unique alphanumeric string assigned upon merchant account activation

To find your API token, refer to your test or production store’s Admin settings in the Merchant Resource Center, at the following URLs:

MCP Purchase transaction request fields – Required

Variable Name Type and Limits Set Method Description
order ID


50-character alphanumeric a-Z A-Z 0-9 _ - : . @ spaces

mcpPurchase.setOrderId(order_id); Merchant-defined transaction identifier that must be unique for every Purchase, Pre-Authorization and Independent Refund transaction. No two transactions of these types may have the same order ID.

For Refund, Completion and Purchase Correction transactions, the order ID must be the same as that of the original transaction.

The last 10 characters of the order ID are displayed in the “Invoice Number” field on the Merchant Direct Reports. However only letters, numbers and spaces are sent to Merchant Direct.

A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 valid characters are sent to Merchant Direct. Only the last characters beginning after any invalid characters are sent. For example, if the order ID is 1234-567890, only 567890 is sent to Merchant Direct.

If the order ID has fewer than 3 characters, it may display a blank or 0000000000 in the Invoice Number field.
credit card number


max 20-character alphanumeric

mcpPurchase.setPan(pan); Most credit card numbers today are 16 digits, but some 13-digit numbers are still accepted by some issuers. This field has been intentionally expanded to 20 digits in consideration for future expansion and potential support of private label card ranges.
expiry date


4-character alphanumeric YYMM

mcpPurchase.setExpDate(expiry_date); Note: This is the reverse of the date displayed on the physical card, which is MMYY.
electronic commerce indicator


1-character alphanumeric


Describes the category of e-commerce transaction being processed. Allowable values are:

  • 1 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Single
  • 2 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Recurring
  • 3 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Instalment
  • 4 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Unknown classification
  • 5 - Authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 6 - Non-authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 7 - SSL-enabled merchant

In Credential on File transactions where the request field e-commerce indicator is also being sent: the allowable values for e-commerce indicator are dependent on the value sent for payment indicator, as follows:

if payment indicator = R, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 2, 5 or 6
if payment indicator = C, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7
if payment indicator = U, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1 or 7
if payment indicator = Z, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7

MCP-specific request fields – Required

Variable Name Type and Limits Set Method Description
MCP version number


current version is 1.0

mcpPurchase.setMCPVersion("MCP_VERSION_NUM"); Release version number for MCP
cardholder amount


12-character numeric

smallest discrete unit of foreign currency

mcpPurchase.setCardholderAmount("CARDHOLDER_AMOUNT"); Amount, in units of foreign currency, the cardholder will be charged on the transaction
cardholder currency code


3-character numeric

mcpPurchase.setCardholderCurrencyCode("CARDHOLDER_CURRENCY_CODE"); ISO code representing the foreign currency of the cardholder

MCP Purchase transaction request fields – Optional

Variable Name Type and Limits Set Method Description
customer ID


30-character alphanumeric


This can be used for policy number, membership number, student ID, invoice number and so on.

This field is searchable from the Moneris Merchant Resource Centre

dynamic descriptor


max 20-character alphanumeric

total of 22 characters including your merchant name and separator


Merchant defined description sent on a per-transaction basis that will appear on the credit card statement. Dependent on the card Issuer, the statement will typically show the dynamic desciptor appended to the merchant's existing business name separated by the "/" character. Please note that the combined length of the merchant's business name, forward slash "/" character, and the dynamic descriptor may not exceed 22 characters.


Existing Business Name: ABC Painting

Dynamic Descriptor: Booking 12345

Cardholder Statement Displays: ABC Painting/Booking 1

wallet indicator


3-character alphanumeric

mcpPurchase.setWalletIndicator(wallet_indicator); Available to Canada integrations only. This field is applicable to Visa Checkout and MasterCard MasterPass transactions whereby the merchant has integrated directly to the Visa/MC wallet to retrieve the card data and is now submitting it for processing. This is a mandatory field for these Visa Checkout and MasterCard MasterPass transactions.
Field is a case sensitive. Possible value:
  • APP = Apple Pay In-app
  • APW = Apple Pay On the Web
  • ANP = Android Pay Wallet
  • MMP = MasterCard MasterPass
  • VCO = Visa Checkout
Credential on File Info cof

NOTE: This is a nested object within the transaction, and required when storing or using the customer's stored credentials. For information about fields in the Credential on FIle Info object, see Credential on File Info Object and Variables.



mcpPurchase.setCofInfo(cof); If you are doing a vault transaction (using a permanent token) the COF Info object is mandatory.
For Definitions of Request Fields of Credential on File please refer back to Purchase / Preauth with Credential on File section.
AVS Information



mcpPurchase.setAvsInfo(avsCheck); Contains fields applying to the Address Verification Service (AVS) e-fraud tool
CVD Information



mcpPurchase.setCvdInfo(cvdCheck); Contains fields related to the Card Validation Digits e-fraud tool

MCP-specific request fields – Optional

Variable Name Type and Limits Set Method Description
MCP rate token



mcpPurchase.setMCPRateToken("MCP_RATE_TOKEN"); Token representing a temporarily locked-in foreign exchange rate, obtained in the response of the MCP Get Rate transaction and used in subsequent MCP financial transaction requests in order to redeem that rate

MCP Purchase with Vault

NEW!   We now have our Interactive tool for this section.

This transaction uses the data key to identify a previously registered credit card profile in Vault. The details saved within the profile are then submitted to perform a Purchase transaction.

The data key may be a temporary one generated used Hosted Tokenization, or may be a permanent one from the Vault.

This transaction request is the multi-currency pricing (MCP) enabled version of the equivalent financial transaction.

MCP Purchase with Vault transaction object definition

MCPResPurchaseCC mcpResPurchaseCC = new MCPResPurchaseCC();

HttpsPostRequest object for MCP Purchase with Vault transaction

HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();


Canada Code Sample

package Canada;

import JavaAPI.*;

public class TestCanadaMCPResPurchaseCC
	public static void main(String[] args)
		java.util.Date createDate = new java.util.Date();
		String order_id = "Test"+createDate.getTime();
		String store_id = "store5";
		String api_token = "yesguy";
		String data_key = "8OOXGiwxgvfbZngigVFeld9d2";
		String cust_id = "customer1"; //if sent will be submitted, otherwise cust_id from profile will be used
		String crypt_type = "1";
		String descriptor = "my descriptor";
		String processing_country_code = "CA";
		String expdate = "1512"; //For Temp Token
		boolean status_check = false;

		MCPResPurchaseCC mcpResPurchaseCC = new MCPResPurchaseCC();
		//resPurchaseCC.setExpDate(expdate); //Temp Tokens only
		//MCP Fields

		//Mandatory - Credential on File details
		CofInfo cof = new CofInfo();
		HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();
		mpgReq.setTestMode(true); //false or comment out this line for production transactions

			Receipt receipt = mpgReq.getReceipt();

			System.out.println("DataKey = " + receipt.getDataKey());
			System.out.println("ReceiptId = " + receipt.getReceiptId());
			System.out.println("ReferenceNum = " + receipt.getReferenceNum());
			System.out.println("ResponseCode = " + receipt.getResponseCode());
			System.out.println("AuthCode = " + receipt.getAuthCode());
			System.out.println("Message = " + receipt.getMessage());
			System.out.println("TransDate = " + receipt.getTransDate());
			System.out.println("TransTime = " + receipt.getTransTime());
			System.out.println("TransType = " + receipt.getTransType());
			System.out.println("Complete = " + receipt.getComplete());
			System.out.println("TransAmount = " + receipt.getTransAmount());
			System.out.println("CardType = " + receipt.getCardType());
			System.out.println("TxnNumber = " + receipt.getTxnNumber());
			System.out.println("TimedOut = " + receipt.getTimedOut());
			System.out.println("ResSuccess = " + receipt.getResSuccess());
			System.out.println("PaymentType = " + receipt.getPaymentType());
			System.out.println("IsVisaDebit = " + receipt.getIsVisaDebit());
			System.out.println("Cust ID = " + receipt.getResCustId());
			System.out.println("Phone = " + receipt.getResPhone());
			System.out.println("Email = " + receipt.getResEmail());
			System.out.println("Note = " + receipt.getResNote());
			System.out.println("Masked Pan = " + receipt.getResMaskedPan());
			System.out.println("Exp Date = " + receipt.getResExpdate());
			System.out.println("Crypt Type = " + receipt.getResCryptType());
			System.out.println("Avs Street Number = " + receipt.getResAvsStreetNumber());
			System.out.println("Avs Street Name = " + receipt.getResAvsStreetName());
			System.out.println("Avs Zipcode = " + receipt.getResAvsZipcode());
			System.out.println("IssuerId = " + receipt.getIssuerId());
			System.out.println("MerchantSettlementAmount = " + receipt.getMerchantSettlementAmount());
			System.out.println("CardholderAmount = " + receipt.getCardholderAmount());
			System.out.println("CardholderCurrencyCode = " + receipt.getCardholderCurrencyCode());
			System.out.println("MCPRate = " + receipt.getMCPRate());
			System.out.println("MCPErrorStatusCode = " + receipt.getMCPErrorStatusCode());
			System.out.println("MCPErrorMessage = " + receipt.getMCPErrorMessage());
			System.out.println("HostId = " + receipt.getHostId());

		catch (Exception e)

Core connection object fields (all API transactions)

Variable Name Type and Limits Set Method Description
store ID



mpgReq.setStoreId(store_id); Unique identifier provided by Moneris upon merchant account set up.
API token




Unique alphanumeric string assigned upon merchant account activation

To find your API token, refer to your test or production store’s Admin settings in the Merchant Resource Center, at the following URLs:

MCP Purchase with Vault transaction request fields – Required

Variable Name Type and Limits Set Method Description
data key


25-character alphanumeric


Profile identifier that all future financial Vault transactions (that is, they occur after the profile was registered by a ResAddCC or ResTokenizeCC transaction) will use to associate with the saved information.

The data key is generated by Moneris, and is returned to the merchant (via the Receipt object) when the profile is first registered.

order ID


50-character alphanumeric a-Z A-Z 0-9 _ - : . @ spaces

mcpResPurchaseCC.setOrderId(order_id); Merchant-defined transaction identifier that must be unique for every Purchase, Pre-Authorization and Independent Refund transaction. No two transactions of these types may have the same order ID.

For Refund, Completion and Purchase Correction transactions, the order ID must be the same as that of the original transaction.

The last 10 characters of the order ID are displayed in the “Invoice Number” field on the Merchant Direct Reports. However only letters, numbers and spaces are sent to Merchant Direct.

A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 valid characters are sent to Merchant Direct. Only the last characters beginning after any invalid characters are sent. For example, if the order ID is 1234-567890, only 567890 is sent to Merchant Direct.

If the order ID has fewer than 3 characters, it may display a blank or 0000000000 in the Invoice Number field.
electronic commerce indicator


1-character alphanumeric


Describes the category of e-commerce transaction being processed. Allowable values are:

  • 1 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Single
  • 2 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Recurring
  • 3 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Instalment
  • 4 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Unknown classification
  • 5 - Authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 6 - Non-authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 7 - SSL-enabled merchant

In Credential on File transactions where the request field e-commerce indicator is also being sent: the allowable values for e-commerce indicator are dependent on the value sent for payment indicator, as follows:

if payment indicator = R, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 2, 5 or 6
if payment indicator = C, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7
if payment indicator = U, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1 or 7
if payment indicator = Z, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7

MCP-specific request fields – Required

Variable Name Type and Limits Set Method Description
MCP version number


current version is 1.0

mcpResPurchaseCC.setMCPVersion("MCP_VERSION_NUM"); Release version number for MCP
cardholder amount


12-character numeric

smallest discrete unit of foreign currency

mcpResPurchaseCC.setCardholderAmount("CARDHOLDER_AMOUNT"); Amount, in units of foreign currency, the cardholder will be charged on the transaction
cardholder currency code


3-character numeric

mcpResPurchaseCC.setCardholderCurrencyCode("CARDHOLDER_CURRENCY_CODE"); ISO code representing the foreign currency of the cardholder

MCP Purchase with Vault transaction request fields – Optional

Variable Name Type and Limits Set Method Description
customer ID


30-character alphanumeric


This can be used for policy number, membership number, student ID, invoice number and so on.

This field is searchable from the Moneris Merchant Resource Centre

Credential on File Info cof

NOTE: This is a nested object within the transaction, and required when storing or using the customer's stored credentials. For information about fields in the Credential on FIle Info object, see Credential on File Info Object and Variables.



mcpResPurchaseCC.setCofInfo(cof); If you are doing a vault transaction (using a permanent token) the COF Info object is mandatory.
For Definitions of Request Fields of Credential on File please refer back to Purchase / Preauth with Credential on File section.
AVS Information



mcpResPurchaseCC.setAvsInfo(avsCheck); Contains fields applying to the Address Verification Service (AVS) e-fraud tool
CVD Information



mcpResPurchaseCC.setCvdInfo(cvdCheck); Contains fields related to the Card Validation Digits e-fraud tool

MCP-specific request fields – Optional

Variable Name Type and Limits Set Method Description
MCP rate token



mcpResPurchaseCC.setMCPRateToken("MCP_RATE_TOKEN"); Token representing a temporarily locked-in foreign exchange rate, obtained in the response of the MCP Get Rate transaction and used in subsequent MCP financial transaction requests in order to redeem that rate